Emperor Scorpion

Emperor Scorpion


Emperor Scorpion - Pandinus imperator

Emperor Scorpion - Photo Taken by Já


Emperor Scorpion Description

Most people are familiar with the look of the Emperor Scorpion. It is sometimes referred to as the Imperial Scorpion as well. They are known to be the largest species out there and that is why they get so much attention. However, there are false rumors that they are also the most powerful in terms of their venom.

While a bite from one is definitely going to hurt the venom they release isn’t nearly as powerful as what you will find from many other species of Scorpions out there. The females are able to grow as large as 7 ½ inches. The males will usually be about an inch or more smaller than that.

The region where these Scorpions live though will determine the overall size. Some are found to be about 5 inches long. When they are young they are white in color and then as they get more mature they turn darker and darker. After about 7 molting periods they will be a very dark brown or a very dark black. They also have an outline of greenish tint to them that is the result of fluorescent.

The coloring of them allows them to be able to blend into their surroundings with ease. This also is a reason why they are often misidentified though. People who see them in any color other than the dark black don’t think they are coming into contact with the Emperor Scorpion.

The overall body design of this Scorpion is very different too. It features a wide abdomen and a tail that is longer than most species. They look very unsettling to the eyes of most humans as well because of the huge size of their pinchers.

Emperor Scorpion Behavior

The Emperor Scorpion certainly has a terrible reputation out there. Yet studies show them to be one of the most shy when it comes to the species out there – and more than 1,700 of them exist. The fact that this is the type of Scorpion used in various Hollywood movies though really gives people the perception that they are driving to bite and kill humans. The reality of it though is that Hollywood chose them due to the fear factor and the fact that they are gentle to work with.

You may think it is strange to see this particular type of Scorpion out during the day. They will be active though after a rain so that they can take advantage of the extra food that is around. Otherwise it is going to be mainly at night when you will be able to see them about.

Studies show that almost all of the bites from the Emperor Scorpion are the result of the creatures being surprised when humans come into their path. They are also by females who are naturally more aggressive. The biggest reason for that is they are often carrying young around on their back. They will fight in order to be able to protect them.

Emperor Scorpion Habitat and Distribution

Africa is the known place of origin for the Emperor Scorpion. Yet they are highly adaptable so they have been able to do well just about everywhere. This is one of the most common species of Scorpion that is kept as a pet. They are exported to places throughout the world.

These Scorpions do prefer to live in areas that are humid. They also need soil or sand that they can burrow in. When you have one as a pet you want to replicate the natural environment for them as much as possible. If you live in a cold climate then you need to provide a heat pad but only for half of their home. This way they can move to the other side if they get too warm.

Never use a heat light as all Scorpions have a very high sensitivity to light. You also want to offer them a light mist so that there will be humidity if you live in a dry climate. The combination of these efforts will reduce the aggressiveness of your pet Scorpion. It will also increase their life span.

Emperor Scorpion Feeding habits

The other thing you want to be careful of in captivity is how much you feed them. The Emperor Scorpion can do very well on little amounts of food. Yet they instinctively will consume large amounts of it if they can find it. You shouldn’t feed them more than 9 crickets each week.

When they are in the wild they will consume mainly termites. It is very easy for them to get into the mounds. They have the ability to burrow close to 6 feet under the ground to find such a resource for food! They are also well known to patiently wait in their burrow and then to ambush prey that comes by.

The combination of efforts including the hold by the pinchers, crushing them tightly around the body, and the injection of the venom means that prey very seldom is ever able to escape from the Emperor Scorpion. None of the Scorpion species are able to consume solid foods.

Instead they rely on the enzymes found in the venom to change the inside of the prey to a liquid. They are able to suck that out and then to leave the shell of the prey behind. This will later be consumed by other living things in the same environment.

You may have heard stories about the Emperor Scorpion taking part in cannibalistic behaviors. This is true, but mostly occurs with the females. It isn’t fully understood why they will sometimes consume their young. They will also consume males that they have mated with or that they don’t have any desire to mate with.

Emperor Scorpion Reproduction

The young are called Scorplings and there is usually about 12 of them born at a time. They will be carried in the body of the mother for a period of time that can be from 9 months to 18 months.

When they are born they will instinctively move from the legs of the mother that she uses as a type of basket for them as they come out. Then they will climb up to her back and remain there until they finish the first molt. If they don’t scatter when she gives them indictors to do so it will be too late for them – she will consume them.

Venomous Bite or Danger to Humans

Even though the toxin level of the venom is very dangerous it, it isn’t going to be life threatening. However, the bite can be extremely painful so put ice on it to help reduce the pain. You should wash it with soap and water too.

Bite Treatment or Care

There are individuals with an allergic reaction to the venom. As a result their air ways will start to swell up. They need to seek immediate medical care to avoid this problem. There is also a problem with individuals who suffer from heart problems. This type of venom could make them very dangerous.

Those individuals that have allergies are more likely to suffer from adverse reactions. If you know what type of Scorpion you have been bitten by it can really help the medical time to offer you the most effective form of treatment.


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