Arctic Fox

Arctic Fox


Arctic Fox - Vulpes lagopus

Arctic Fox – Photographer: Keith Morehouse



With a full grown adult size from 5 to 20 pounds there is plenty of diversity when it comes to the Arctic Fox. They are going to vary in size depending on the area where they live. Some are able to find more sources of food than others which plays a major role in how large they become.

Some believe that the Arctic Fox is white in color all year long. While they are for the majority of it, they do turn a shade of brown for the summer months. This is to help them be able to remain protected in their natural environment. The white color helps them with the snow but when there isn’t much of it they need to have another option.



Since only a few specific animals are known to live in the cold Arctic temperatures, exploring what it is about their anatomy that makes it possible is fascinating. Like so many other animals in this area they have layers of fat called blubber. This helps to give them the body heat they need to be comfortable here. They also have feet covered with fur so that body temperature can’t be lost here.

They are able to move around quickly and without falling on the ice and snow due to the pads at the bottom of the feet. This is important or they would struggle to hunt and to get away from predators in this type of environment. The ears are also designed to help them with maintaining body temperature. Their sense of smell and hearing are wonderful which also help them to be able to live in such an area.



The fact that this fox can live here is believed to be due to evolution. They have differences with the design of the body that allows it to be possible. You couldn’t take another species of fox and place them here as they would die due to the cold. How did this species of fox get to theArctic? Most believe it occurred with the Ice Age and a quest to find food.

Changes to their bodies allowed them to be able to survive here instead of dying out. This is also believed to be why they have the white coloring most of they year. While other species of fox do feature some white, they don’t have it all over the body. There is still plenty of unknown information though about how they evolved into the animals as we know of them today.



Another difference among them and other species of fox is that they are social animals. Others are very isolated and really only interact for mating or when they are taking care of their offspring. They are able to recognize others that they have been around through the scents that are given off. The females tend to be more interested in maintaining social relationships though than the males.

There are unfounded fears out there about the Arctic Fox too due to the fact that they do come out during the day. All other species of fox are nocturnal so they only come out at night. For this one though they need to find food when they can so if that opportunity is during the day they will take it.

Fears though stem from the 1988 outbreak of rabies inNewfoundland. This fox is believed to be the animals that introduced it. That is the information people remember, and they often associate seeing a fox out during the day with the chances that it could have rabies.


Habitat and Distribution 

These animals are able to live where it is extremely low and the temperature is often in the negatives. They live in dens like other fox but most of the time these dens are found under the ground. They also have detailed tunnel systems there that they use to move around. When there are layers of snow on the ground they will use them to save energy.

They can also find sources of food under the ground this way. They will have a better opportunity of doing so then remaining above the ground. They do like to stay on the frozen ice though better than in the snow because it consumes less energy to walk there.


Feeding Habits 

Finding enough food is a challenge at times in the Arctic so this fox has to do all it can to increase the chances of survival. They search for food underground as well as above it. They can hear rodents and other animals moving under the snow when they are above it. Then they can reach down and kill it instantly.

The biggest source of food for the Arctic Fox is the Lemming. They can consume several of them on any given day when they have the chance to do so. They will also each the eggs that birds leave behind. When they have a chance, they will also feed on the smaller species of birds in their environment.

Another interesting element of the Arctic Fox is that they will consume remains of animals that have been left behind. Other species of fox won’t do this, they only consume what they actually kill themselves. This is why they are often seen tracking the Polar Bear. When they do so, they will get the opportunity to consume the meat from seals as the Polar Bear will only want the layers of blubber it offers.



Mating season is very long for this fox which works to their benefit. It can take several months for them to find each other. They mate for life and track each other by scent. They can mate as early as September or as late as May of the next year. They do give birth to a very large litter, but almost all of them will die before they are old enough to venture out on their own.

This isn’t due to a lack of parenting but the environment. The extreme cold can prove to be too much. From the moment they are born the young rely on their mother for warmth and for food. The male has to bring her food though so she can produce enough for the young. If he doesn’t return, she will have no choice but to leave them for her own survival.



In this type of environment, there aren’t nearly as many predators as other fox deal with. What they have to worry about include the Golden Eagle, Polar Bears, and the wolf. All of these animals are going to do all they can when it comes to finding food for their own survival. They often hunt the younger fox but will try to get the adults if they feel they have a chance of capturing it.

Humans also go to this remote part of the world in order to hunt the Arctic Fox. They love the chance to hunt for something that is so unique in the world. They want to have the challenge of tracking them in unfamiliar territory. The great look of this fox is another reason human’s go hunt for it.  As I mentioned, there are also those that worry about rabies again. They feel this animal should be hunted to prevent that from happening.


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Fox Facts and Information


American Black Bear

American Black Bear



American Black Bear Facts

American Black Bear - Ursus americanus

American Black Bear Description

American Black Bears are very different in their size depending on where they live. This is why some of them are only a couple of hundreds pounds while others are more than twice that size. The majority of them do end up being about 5 feet tall though. They are often mistaken for other types of bears due to their different sizes. They can be brown or black in color.

American Black Bear Anatomy

These are very fast moving bears when they need to, up to 40 miles per hour. They generally don’t have to move along at that rate in the wild. However, when they need to run from danger or they need to be faster than their prey it isn’t hard for them to do so. Many people are amazing to see bears with such a stocky build being able to run so fast!

Like other species of bears they do have very sharp claws. Those do allow them to perform many different things. For example they are able to climb, to get their prey, to defend themselves, and even to take bark off of trees. They happen to have two layers of fur instead of just one.

The outer later protects them from bugs and the sunlight. The inner coat offers them a line of defense against water and the wind. This is why the American Black Bears are able to survive in a variety of different environments without any problems. Their ability to adapt due to their anatomy is something that continues to fascinate researchers.

It is known that they have amazing abilities when it comes to smelling and when it comes to their hearing. However, they have the worst vision of any species of bear out there. They are able to make out shapes but not fully make out what they see. This is why they can sometimes be aggressive because they aren’t sure if they are in danger or not.

American Black Bear Evolution

The American Black Bear has been able to evolve for more than three and a half million years. That is absolutely remarkable given all that has changed over that period of time. They have been able to rely heavily upon plant life instead of just meat to be able to survive during this period of time.

While it may be difficult to believe, the early ancestors of these bears actually are related to felines. This could account for the amazing speed and agility this species continues to have today. There are theories including the possibility of these bears having tails long ago.

American Black Bear Behavior

Sleeping during the heat of the day is the common behavioral pattern for these bears. They are active in the early morning light and as the sun starts to go down. While resting they can be found in shady areas that are nice and cool. They can wake up easily during the day though if they smell or hear something out of the ordinary.

While they do have their own territory, they have no problem moving beyond it to find food, to mate, or when their curiosity is peaked. This is why they seem to have so many run ins with humans. It is also why they end up in battles with each other. Most of these battles are between two males, but not always.

American Black Bear Habitat and Distribution

The American Black Bear is very diversified when it comes to where you will find them. They are going to be able to thrive where they have lots of shade from trees, plenty of food, and places where they can hibernate. This can be in the mountains, along the plains, and even in swamps.

As their natural environment changes they are able to move in new directions to be able to get their basic needs met. This is why it isn’t uncommon for humans that live close to the wilderness to find these bears around their homes when that was never a problem in the past. Canada, Mexico, and the United States are all countries where you will find the American Black Bear living.

American Black Bear Diet and Feeding Habits

Like most bears they love to consume fruits, berries, and nuts. They also consume other types of plant life include leaves, bark off of trees, and grass. They have a sweet tooth as well that is hard to satisfy. Some items that they enjoy are honey and yams. It is this desire for sweets that can also lead them into trouble. They will find such foods that humans have left uncontained.

Meat is also part of the diet for the American Black Bears. They are able to easily hunt both small and large animals. They are very fast, have sharp claws, and have amazing strength. This has also led them to killing cattle that are raised close to their environment so the battle between them and humans continues.

Some very crazy things have been found in the stomach contents of these bears. They including clothing, toys, shoes, tools, and more. This has lead researchers to believe that the American Black Bear isn’t worried at all about what they consume. They have healthy appetites and they will consume just about anything to satisfy it.

A huge problem though is that once these bears start an unhealthy diet of human food they seem to be turned off by their normal diet. This can continue to bring bears and humans too close to each other. Successfully removing these bears and introducing them into new environments hasn’t been very successful either.

American Black Bear Reproduction

Mating of the American Black Bear takes place in the spring and summer months. The males can travel a great distance in order to reach the females. They may battle with each other to get to mate with one of the females. The biggest and strongest males will get that right. The courting and mating process can last for several days.

The females are able to delay when the embryo begins to grow in her body. This allows the young to be born in the first two months of the following year. When they are born she will be in a den hibernating. The fat that she stored up over the summer and the fall will be used to feed her and the young. When they are a couple of months old she will bring them out to the rest of the world. She can have from two up to four cubs at a time.

American Black Bear Predators

The conflicts that erupt between American Black Bears can result in death. Generally this will occur between two males that are fighting over food, territories, or mating rights. Full grown ones may eat the younger ones when food is scarce. There are a variety of other animals out there including different species of bears that can try to feed from them as well.

Hunting of these bears is very common, and in most areas it is very legal. There are about 400,000 of them left in the wild so controlling that population is why it is legal in controlled situations. A certain number of tags are offered in order for hunting in a specific season are available annually. There are some trapped though and sold for profit as people find them to be a type of pet they are willing to pay lots of money for.


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Polar Bear 


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Cheetah Facts

Cheetah - Acinonyx jubatus

Cheetah Description

Do you know that the black spots of the Cheetah are very unique for each of them? They have golden brown fur with black spots on them. Yet if you compare the design of the spots on various ones you will quickly see that they all have a pattern that is original. These are very fast animals and they move gracefully. You won’t be able to easily find them in their environment though as their coloring gives them great camouflage.

Cheetah Anatomy

There is no question that the Cheetah is one of the most powerful and elegant animals out there. The sheer speed of it is something that many people are impressed with. The body of this animal has an overall design that gives them every advantage when it comes to movement. This includes a long tail for balance and the ability to see for a very long range.

They have padded feet that offer them plenty of traction. There will be times when this helps them to get their prey with ease. As their prey is sliding around on the mud they are able to continue being balanced and in control of the situation.

Cheetah Evolution

We don’t know as much as we would like to when it comes to the evolution process for the Cheetah. They have been around the Earth for the past 26 million years in some form. Most of the fossil remains we have from them have been located in the various areas of Africa. Those that are from Asia date back 11 million years so they did migrate that direction in order to survive. Many experts believe that was during the Ice Age.

The fact that the evolution process seems to be very slow for these animals could be why so many of the subspecies haven’t survived. The biggest concern with this is that they don’t have a diverse genetic profile. That makes it hard for them to change and also hard to survive now with such low numbers of them remaining.

Cheetah Behavior

The Cheetah isn’t nearly as aggressive as other felines. However, they are dangerous and they are going to show aggressive when they feel threatened. The females are more likely to live alone. However, they do have smaller home ranges that overlap. It is possible that the mothers and daughters stay very close to each other even though they have their own habitat areas.

For the males though they spend their lives in groups. There may be only 2 or as many as 6 of them. The males stay with each other from birth until death in many instances. For the females they will leave their siblings at about 2 years of age. They will be alone except when a male comes to mate or they have young to care for.

Cheetah Habitat and Distribution

There aren’t very many Cheetah that are left in the wild. Those that do remain are in Africa and Asia. They do live in zoos all over the world due to the fact that people love to see them. They are a prime attraction at many of these places but they have a hard time adapting. They can be very dangerous to care for in captivity and are very strategic when it comes to their movements.

In the wild there are  plenty of places for the Cheetah to live. The fact that they do blend into the surroundings so well makes it hard to successfully always locate them. They may be spread out in the mountain terrain areas. Others are doing well along the plains or they hide in the very tall grassy areas.

Cheetah Diet and Feeding Habits

Some days a Cheetah is able to consume very large sums of meat. Then there are days when they don’t get anything at all. They have to find food at least every three days or they can get too weak to continue hunting. You will find they are very careful when they attack. They do trip their prey but they make sure they don’t get in the way. If they get hurt they won’t be able to find additional prey and then they will die.

When they do take down prey they will consume it extremely fast. This isn’t due to them being famished in most cases. Instead it has to do with the fact that they know there are other predators around the area. They don’t want to have to give up their kill to those animals. Yet if they emerge that is exactly what the Cheetah will do so that they don’t get hurt in a fight.

Cheetah Reproduction

Even though the Cheetah males are ready to mate at about a year old they don’t have very high sperm counts. As a result of this they don’t always impregnate the females. It is possible for the young from a mother to have more than one father. Some of the litters only offer one or two cubs. Others have four time that many and it can be hard for her to successfully care for all of them.

Only the strongest will survive though due to the fighting among them for her milk. They also fight over the meat she offers from her hunts. Almost all of the young though fall victim of the various predators. It is too complicated for the Cheetah mother to go find food and to also protect these cubs. They are very vulnerable when she is away.

Cheetah Predators

The young Cheetah has many predators to worry about. Among them are other felines including the leopards and lions. They also have to worry about hyenas and eagles. They will go after the very young ones so as these cubs get older they are less likely to become a victim of such predators.

Humans are also known to capture these young cubs when the mother is away. They will be sold as pets because many people love to keep them. They enjoy the idea of a pet that is so original. There are stories of the Cheetah being domesticated as far back as the Egyptians. Still, they are wild animals by nature and have been known to attack their human owners.

Life for the Cheetah becomes very hard when they don’t have much land to explore for food sources. That is what happens as humans continue to move into these areas. They erect homes and businesses in these areas. They also kill other animals that the Cheetah needs for food. There aren’t too many farmers or ranchers that are happy with the Cheetah being around their land.

One of the main reasons why this animal has such low numbers is due to the demand for their fur. The upper class used to wear them as a sign of status and so they were sold for huge sums of money. The more unique the pattern of the spots was the more money that the fur would be sold for.

The success of some conservation groups is credited with the fact that the Cheetah is still alive today. However, the slow rate of reproduction, shallow genetic pool, and threats to their natural environment make it very uncertain about how long they will be able to continue living.


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Cougar Facts

Cougar - Puma concolor


Cougar Description

Many people think that the Cougar is a big cat but it is one of the smaller ones. The fact that is the second largest in that category though is why it is often misclassified by those not familiar with the various types of felines out there. The Cougar is a great looking animal with a body that is very lean. The shoulders are well defined and extremely powerful.

They have small heads and small ears. They have a very long tail that has a black tip on it. This tail is for balance and it can measure up to three feet for the adults. They are a light brown or light tan color. Some of them also have areas of silver, black, or gray on them. They have a huge variation in weight with the heaviest ones being 265 pounds. Typically they are on the smaller size and that can be as low as 115 pounds.

Cougar Anatomy

The small head of the Cougar is where they have powerful jaws. There are also rows of sharp teeth with the canines being pointed. They are built for speed with up to 40 miles per hour for short distances. They are able to rely on their smell and vision to help them find prey. They have the amazing ability to leap up to 45 feet in the air and 16 feet forward so they have the agility on their side that so many other animals lack.

Cougar Evolution

It is believed that the evolution process has something to do with the speed and agility of the Cougar. Were they once very large animals that had teeth several feet long? Many people believe the earlier version was very similar to that of the Saber Toothed Tiger. However, we simply don’t have enough information about the Cougar to give that theory credibility.

The fossil remains that we do have indicate that they were in Asia about 11 million years ago. These are highly adaptable animals and have been for millions of years. That is part of the reason why so many experts want to find out much more about the evolution process of the Cougar.

Cougar Behavior

This is an animal that enjoys being alone and being able to venture around its habitat. They don’t like company of each other with the exception of when they are mating. The females also are accepting of their young and do seem to enjoy caring for them and interaction. A great deal of the information we have about Cougar communications comes from observing the mothers with the young.

These felines don’t roar but they do use hissing, growling, and deep purring for communicating. They also have a piercing screaming sound that is generally offered during mating for the males and females to be able to find each other.

The Cougar is very aggressive when it comes to their territory and they will fight with each other to protect it. They will also attack humans that venture too far into that habitat. They don’t always attack as many of them will retreat when humans are around. Some believe the females are more likely to attack as they are trying to protect their young.

Cougar Habitat and Distribution

The fact that the body of the Cougar allows for them to live in a variety of habitats is influential for the rate of survival for them. There are more Cougars in the wild than other felines – about 50,000 of them. It is hard to get an accurate count though due to where they are spread out. You will find Cougars living in the mountains as well as on the plains. You will find them living in desert regions and in the forests. They also survive in swamp areas.

Where they live is determined by availability of food rather than the type of terrain or the temperatures. The fact that humans continue to take over the natural habitat of the Cougar means they are starting to be identified in regions where they never were in the past. That does make many humans uneasy. They never thought they would have to worry about such animals around them but the risk is always there with the Cougar.

Cougar Feeding Habits

For the Cougar a diet of only meat will do, and they will consume up to 10 pounds of it a day. They search for hoofed animals including deer and elk. In some regions they will also feed on big horned sheep. When these are hard to find they will also feed on rodents and birds. Since the Cougar can take down food supplies much bigger than themselves they will have food for several days at a time. They will hide the remains of it so that other predators aren’t able to benefit from it.

Problems with the Cougar consuming cattle, horses, and even domestic dogs has infuriated many. They don’t feel save around such locations with the Cougar there. Yet in many of these scenarios the humans have moved into territory where these animals used to freely hunt. In other areas though the Cougar has become a nuisance recently as they aren’t able to find food where they used to roam. They are moving into new areas in order to survive.

Cougar Reproduction

Several times per year a female can enter an estrus cycle. She will give of very strong smells and that brings the males to her. A female may mate with several males during the window of  7 to 10 days so there is a very good chance she will conceive. It also means that some of the young may have different fathers.

The females wait about 90 days before the young are born. At that time they will be in a den so that they can be well protected. They are very small at birth and won’t open their eyes for about 10 days. They drink milk that the mother’s body offers for the first three months of life. She may have up to six kittens to care for and has to leave them unattended so she can find herself food.

By the time they are six months of age they have emerged from the den. These Cougar kittens are very playful but they are also learning a great deal. They have to help with hunting when they are about six months of age. They need to be strong enough and skilled enough to hunt alone by the time they are two years old and have to leave their mother.

Cougar Predators

For the young the risk of predators is there when the mother is out getting food. She will do all she can to protect them from predators in her presence though. Sadly, only a small portion of the young will make it to adulthood. The adults have no predators in the wild but they continue to have more and more problems with humans.

The fact that the Cougar does require a very large home range – up to 100 miles, means that the actions of humans moving into such areas can be very difficult for them. They do adapt to changes but that often means they start to be in areas where humans are more and more often. That has led to hunting them and poisoning them in many areas.

The Cougar population has increased in some areas and people aren’t happy with that. They don’t want to have more of these aggressive animals to content with. The fact that they overlook though is that the Cougar has a natural instinct to survive. Humans have the choice of where they will live and where they will venture.


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Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf



Arctic Wolf -Canis lupus arctos

Arctic Wolf – Photo taken by Michael Gäbler

Arctic Wolf Description

The Arctic Wolf is a survivor – one able to live cold and isolated areas of the world. This is a small wolf but definitely one that makes up for it in strength and beauty. Ranging in weight from 100 to 175 pounds they can hold their own in the wild. They vary significantly in length. Some of them are six feet long but others are barely three feet in length. The white coloring mixed with some yellow, black, and gray

Arctic Wolf Anatomy

The body of the Arctic Wolf is well designed to keep it warm. For many months out of the year it can be below zero temperatures. It can also be completely dark for long stretches of time. This wolf have two layers of fur that protect it from the cold and the wind. It also protects them from the reflections of the UV rays that the sun produces.

The first layer offers an invisible shield around the actual body. It prevents water, cold, and the elements from changing the body temperature of the wolf. The top layer helps to protect from wind and other aspects out there in nature that the come into contact with. Many people notice that the Arctic Wolf has smaller ears than other species. This is so that they are able to stay warm as well. The long tail allows them to have something they can cover their face with as well.

Arctic Wolf Evolution

It isn’t really understood how these animals are able to live in this area of the world. It is speculated that evolution has played a vital role in it. More than 50 million years ago some wolves were stuck there due to the natural elements. These canines were able to survive due to their bodies changing so that they could handle the cold and the open range.

Arctic Wolf Behavior

The Arctic Wolf does spend time individually away from the rest of the pack. This is done to find food and shelter. They will use their howling and barking to let their other pack members know where they are at. Generally they are all within close proximity to each other. The pack may only have a few members if it is newly formed. It can also have up to twenty of them including the offspring.

These wolves depend upon their social interactions with each other to help them to survive. Not only to help them be able to hunt for food successfully but to help them learn about survival in such areas. These wolves seem to get along very well with the others in their pack. They definitely realize they are all dependent upon each other.

The Arctic Wolf can spend up to 10 hours a day moving around in its home territory. They are able to do so due to the way their paws are designed. They don’t sink down into the snow or slide on the ice. They will mark their territory with scent as they move around. This is to help ensure other wolf packs don’t invade their territory.

Arctic Wolf Habitat and Distribution

A few Arctic Wolf packs are found in Canada. There are also a handful of them around Greenland. Yet the numbers of these animals in both areas has continued to drop very low. Experts feel this is due to their habitat being taken over by humans. As a result it is more difficult for them to find enough food to survive.

Due to the isolated nature of Alaska, this is one place where these wolves have plenty of area to roam around. It isn’t unusual for the home range of an Arctic Wolf pack to span hundreds of miles. This also allows them to follow the herds of animals that they feed upon throughout the year.

Even though their habitat areas do often overlap, there doesn’t seem to be too much conflict between packs. When it is hard to find food though the aggressive nature of protecting a given area will increase. Should one wolf pack not back off and go another direction then a physical confrontation can ensue.

Arctic Wolf Diet and Feeding Habits

Being strong and being fast allows the Arctic Wolf to be able to take down prey for food. They must work as a team to be able to do so. That is why smaller packs of them find it harder to survive, so they increase in numbers. Of course the more wolves in the pack the more food they have to hunt for survival so there is a trade off.

Their diet consists of caribou and the muskoxen. These are animals much larger than them. Yet with careful planning and precision they are able to successfully take them down. If they let potential prey get away from them it can be a long time until their next meal. Even so, the Arctic Wolf is able to survive even with out food for a couple of weeks.

Knowing that they may not get to feed again for a long time, they will consume all that they can when they are a successful with the hunt. They can consume up to 20 pounds each. Nothing on the animals that they take down goes to waste. They have powerful jaws and teeth that allow them to easily crush through bones and other body parts.

The pups will need to be fed from about three months of age to six months of age by the adults. They will come back from a kill with regurgitated food that has been partially digested. The young will consume it quickly and they will get it from all of the different pack members. When they are about six months old they too will help with the hunting process.

Arctic Wolf Reproduction

While there are many healthy members of the wolf pack, only the alpha male and beta female get to mate. This helps to ensure inbreeding doesn’t occur. The young do have the option of remaining with their own pack forever. Yet that means not mating so the urge to do so can encourage them to leave when they are about 1 ½ or 2 years of age. They will venture out to find other lone wolves and form their own packs.

After successfully mating, the female has the job of finding a good place for her young to be born. She will try to dig in the thick ice to make a den. If it is too hard she will find a den that has been abandoned. The young are born about 63 days after conception. She will stay in the den with them for about three months.

During this time she may need to leave to feed herself, especially if she has a large litter of pups. They will drink milk from her body for their own survival. They are born deaf as well as blind. Barely one pound each at birth, they grow very quickly. When they are about three weeks old they will come out of the den to join the rest of the wolf pack. The introduction is welcoming and all of the members of the pack will care for them.

Arctic Wolf Predators

Arctic Wolves don’t have too many problems with predators. Occasionally they may encounter a problem with a bear. They can have their conflicts with other wolf packs as well for food and for territory. This particular wolf doesn’t have the concerns with humans like other species though. It is simply too difficult for humans to be in the regions where these animals are found.


Arctic Wolf Related Arcticles

Gray Wolf 


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Nile Crocodile

Nile Crocodile


Nile Crocodile Facts

Nile Crocodile - Crocodylus niloticus

Nile Crocodile Description

You can’t miss the enormous size of the Nile Crocodile as it can be more than 17 feet long. The males are the largest but the females are still quite large. The males can be about 1,000 pounds or more. Sometimes they can be found up to 2,000 pounds but there are only a handful of them that actually fall into that particular category.

Nile Crocodile Anatomy

The body of this crocodile is covered with dark skin that is very scaly. This very skin is a reason why they are heavily hunted to make leather goods from. They have a very long tail that has amazing power behind it. They have powerful jaws that can clamp down on prey with no mercy. They also have sharp teeth that will continue replace themselves throughout their life span. This is part of the reason why they can easily live from 70 to 100 years.

The appendages of the Nile Crocodile are very short and they grow outward. This design offers them very little in the way of resistance in the water. At the same time it gives them plenty of speed. Their anatomy though isn’t one that works very well for them on land. They have to scoot along on their belly which can take up lots of energy.

Nile Crocodile Evolution

The lack of evolution is what is really quite interesting when it comes to the Nile Crocodile. In fact, they continue to do very well with the same body design that they have featured for millions of years. There is no evidence to suggest any types of huge changes in their body design have ever occurred. This is very different than what experts believed have occurred with so many other types of animals out there.

Nile Crocodile Behavior

The intelligence of the Nile Crocodile is fascinating as well. Experts have conducted a variety of tests and found that they learn faster than rats in many instances. They are able to memorize and to problem solve which helps them to adapt to their environment. They don’t seem to mind being placed in captivity either which makes it even easier to observe them.

They are aggressive though and that can make it challenging to successfully observe them and to conduct tests. It is believed that that they carefully study the behaviors of others animals around them. They also do so with villagers that are around them. They use this information to determine what they will do when it comes to attacking their prey.

Nile Crocodile Habitat and Distribution

The Nile Crocodile is native to Asia, India, and Australia. Did you know that they can also live in bodies of freshwater? Many people assume they only live in the saltwater. This is due to their name and also to the fact that you will find most of them there. However, as the territory for these animals continues to get smaller more of them are moving into the freshwater habitats.

The older ones have already established their own territory and they aren’t willing to share it. Younger Nile Crocodiles rely on their instincts for survival to get them to a place they can call their own. As long as that freshwater habitat offers them the warmth that they need, land to place their eggs, and enough food to survive on they will do just fine.

As they get larger though and want to mate with more females, many of the males will move into the saltwater territories. They will aggressively challenge other males both for mating rights and for that territory.

Nile Crocodile Feeding Habits

What the Nile Crocodile consumes depends on the size of it. There are three main stages that it goes through. As a youngling it will have to rely on insects, frogs, and small fish. As they get larger they can consume small mammals and larger fish. Fully grown they can consume very large mammals as well as all of the other food groups. As a result they are able to thrive because there should always be some type of food for them.

They don’t mess around at all when it comes to food. They will take on sharks that are several times larger than they are. They are also believed to consume more humans than any other type of reptile out there. Many villagers end up dying at the hands of these animals. Many that simply disappear are believed to have met such a fate.

Nile Crocodile Reproduction

These animals don’t mate until they are older – 10 years for the females and 16 for the males on average. When it is time for mating the males first have to fight off each other. They will come into various territories in order to be able to find females that are around. They usually don’t physically fight each other but they will engage in challenging standoffs that can last for several hours before one of them gives up.

The females have a very difficult task after mating. Even though moving around on land is hard for them they must do it. The land is where they can create a nest to put the 40 to 60 eggs into. She will use mud, sticks, and other elements of her natural environment to be able to create that nest. She will stay around to protect it as much as she can.

When she has to go to the water to find food predators may try to access her eggs. She will do all she can to prevent that. It can be 90 days before she hears her young trying to get out of their shells. She will help to crack them and then carry her offspring to the water in her mouth.

Nile Crocodile Predators

Extremely large numbers of the young are killed by predators such as birds and turtles early on. If the female has 50 young she will be lucky is 3 of them survive to the age of maturity. Sometimes other Nile Crocodiles will even consume the young when they are in the water.

As these crocodiles get larger though they are less likely to have any problems with other animals out there. However, that is when they will start to experience even more problems with humans. They are often hunted to reduce their level of aggression towards humans. They are also hunted so that people can have some source of meat out there from these animals. It is said to have a very good taste to it.

More of them are hunted for the value of their skins than anything else. These skins are sold for a good profit in order for various types of leather goods to be created from them. There is a huge market for products made from leather so those that do such hunting always know they can make money from their efforts.

There are individuals that do hunt them to be able to say they have successfully killed one of the largest reptiles in the world. They go on guided hunts to areas where these animals are known to live. Many villagers are willing to lead such expeditions in exchange for money and for goods. The Nile Crocodile still has good population numbers in spite of the hunting efforts out there.


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Jaguar Facts

Jaguar – Panthera onca

Jaguar Description

The Jaguar just barely fits into the category of the big cats since is it ranked #3 out of 4. This is great looking feline though and one that many people are impressed by the look of. They are detailed with black spots that can have various designs associated with them. They are also in different shapes. The color of these animals is usually tan or light brown. Some of them are much darker though. They can have areas of yellow, white, red, and orange on them. You will also notice that the coat is very shiny.

Size for the Jaguar often depends on the location where they life. In most instances the males are about 20% larger than the females. That is the best way to be able to tell them apart from each other. They can range in size from 124 pounds to 211 pounds.

Jaguar Anatomy

The body of the Jaguar is one that many researchers have been fascinated by. The body is one that offers exactly what it needs in order to survive. They have lots of speed, agility, and power. They rely on the length of their tail in order to give them balance for their quick movements. The power in their legs and shoulders are what makes it possible for them to leap so high.

The jaws of the Jaguar are more powerful than any other feline. When you consider what they are up against though you can understand the value of that. They have teeth that are able to pierce through the back of neck at the back of the skull. They actually use this as their hunting method rather than through the neck like other felines.

Jaguar Evolution

Many speculate that evolution has played a huge role in things for the Jaguar. The fact that they kill differently, that they are so fact, and that they have a body built for the environment all looks that way. We just don’t have too much information about the past for this particular feline. The DNA shows that both Lions and Leopards are very closely related to them.

They are also believed to be a type of Panthera that developed anywhere from 2 million to 4 million years ago. There are fossil remains that show that felines have been around fro about 11 million years. Where the branches fall for the Jaguar to go its own way though aren’t clear.

Jaguar Behavior

The Jaguar is said to be one of the most aggressive type of felines. They like to be alone and don’t have fear about humans or other animals. They are determined to protect their habitat at any cost. Males are far more aggressive than females and that is why they often engage in fighting with each other. The females are able to tolerate others around them but will fight if they need to in order to find food. The males will allow some females to overlap their territory, but never males.

The fact that the Jaguar is responsible for numerous attacks on humans is something that many people aren’t happy with. This has led to rumors about them being man eating felines. Studies indicate that the ones with a desire to kill humans are often those that are old or injured. They simply don’t have the ability any longer to go after faster prey.

Jaguar Habitat and Distribution

The area of Central America is home for the Jaguar. Even though there aren’t many of them left in the wild, they do seem to have a very large distribution area. This includes Mexico, Argentina, and Paraguay. They can live in either the rainforest or the open plains. Due to humans invading their territory though they have been known to move into new areas that they weren’t identified in before.

Jaguar Feeding Habits

The Jaguar is a very good hunter and they do take down some prey that is much larger than they are. This includes the sloth and the deer. They are able to feed on it for several days and that is important. They also eat other types of prey though that are smaller. This includes eggs, reptiles, and rodents. The stomach contents of Jaguars have also shown them to eat crocodiles. They are very opportunistic which is part of why they have been able to survive.

Jaguar Reproduction

There isn’t a set time of year for mating to occur with the Jaguar. As long as they have enough food they won’t have high levels of stress. Then the females will be in estrus and that can last for several days. They will be able to attract males with the additional odor in their urine. They also use various calls to get them to come to their habitat. This is where the females having a home range that overlaps the males comes in very useful.

It takes about 100 days for the young to be born after conception. The young cubs will be born in a den where they can be protected from the elements. The mothers are excellent at caring for their young. They will give them only milk for about 3 months. Then they will bring them meat for the next 3 months.

At about 6 months of age the young cubs will come out of the den with their mother. During the time they are in there they can give off heavy scents. This can bring male Jaguars to kill them so that the mother will mate again. That is why she may move the cubs to various dens during that first 6 month period.

Once the young cubs come out of the den they will start to practice hunting with their mother. She needs to teach them the skills that are necessary for their own survival later on. This help also reduces her need to find so much food for all of them. When she has more that one or two cubs it is even harder to provide for all of them. They will stay with their mother for about 2 years, but realistically they are able to fend for themselves when they are about 1 year old.

Jaguar Predators

The numbers of Jaguars in the wild severely dropped a few decades a go when fur coats were so popular. Thousands of these animals were killed so that humans could have stylish fashions to wear. The fact that large amounts of money were paid for these furs made it very enticing for hunters and trappers to take part in. That practice is no longer such a threat to the Jaguar.

What does continue to be a concern though is the problem with their habitat. As humans move into it these animals have less and less room to find food. They are even starting to eat the livestock of people that ranch close to them. Attacking people in villages is also on the rise. Humans have to find a way to balance their own needs with those of the Jaguar or they will become extinct. Even with conservation efforts in place it is hard to say what the future will be like for them, but hopefully they will increase in numbers.


Gray Wolf

Gray Wolf


Gray Wolf - Canis lupus

Gray Wolf – Photo taken by Gary Kramer / United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Gray Wolf Description

Also known as Common Wolf, the Gray Wolf is very popular. However, when you start to learn more about it you will learn this animal is anything but common. It has a very definite presence that has continued due to its body and its adaptability. These are intelligent animals that have a desire to continue on Earth in spite of what is taking place all around them.

Their coloring can be very different for each of them which is why they can often be mistaken for others. Many Common Wolves are gray in color but they don’t have to be. Others have white, black, brown, and even red or yellow in them. It is often that one will have multiple colorings found within the fur.

The size of a Common Wolf can be hard to say for sure. Yes, there are some cases of extremely large ones out there, more than 200 pounds. It is believed these are the ones that legends about werewolves derive from. However, most of them are about 55 pounds on the small end and 90 pounds on the higher end. Most of them are about 5 feet long but they can be from 4 ½ feet up to 6 feet.

Gray Wolf Anatomy

These particular wolves have a head that is smaller than other species and a narrower width across the shoulders. Even so, they are very powerful animals and not one to be taken lightly. They also have muzzles that are long an skinny which is different from other types of wolves. They have amazing stamina which means they can go for a very long time without stopping. They are slower overall when it comes to top speed than other wolves but that doesn’t really matter since they can go for so long.

What is really amazing about the Common Wolf is the way their paws are designed. They have feet that are very large which allows them to move their weight around when they need to. This is why they are able to stay on top of soft snow even when they are on the heavier side of the weight spectrum. They also have webbing between the feet so they are able to walk around on any type of terrain.

All canines have very sharp teeth as well as strong jaws. However, the Common Wolf also has three times the power of those others out there. This is an amazing ability that they have and one that means once they capture prey it is surely going to meet its death. What about rumors about the saliva from them for healing? Research does show it is able to reduce the risk of an infection setting it. This is due to it offering properties to get new cells to quickly be created.

Gray Wolf Evolution

The evolution for the Common Wolf definitely has plenty of mystery behind it. What we do know is that these wolves are related to canines that are more than 300,000 years old. We also know that they have evolved in their appearance including their webbed feet in order to be able to survive in a variety of conditions offered out there.

Gray Wolf Behavior

Contrary to popular belief, the Common Wolf isn’t an animal out there that preys on humans. In fact, they are quite content within their packs to be peaceful. They do have a sophisticated level of hierarchy that works well for them. They use verbal communication including howling to connect with their pack and to warn other packs to keep their distance.

They will leave their scent behind in order to keep the message out there that they have a claim to particular areas. Sometimes their territories do overlap and they will have to protect the area where they hunt or where the beta female has a den with her pups.

Gray Wolf Habitat and Distribution

Since these wolves have a body designed to handle different terrain you won’t be surprised to find they are in many places around Northern America. They can live in the mountains or on the plains. They can live in the grasslands or in the desert. They just need enough range to move around and access to food sources in order to thrive.

One of the biggest problems for the Common Wolf is the reduction of their land. They are very versatile though so in many instances they do move into new territory. Of course this can easily upset the balance of that other ecosystem as well so it isn’t always a well received move.

Gray Wolf Feeding Habits

The Common Wolf mainly goes after large prey that the entire pack is able to consume. This can include deer, elk, and bison. What they come into contact with is going to depend on where they reside. What is interesting is that they usually won’t attack prey that is standing still. They love the thrill of chasing it and brining it down. They will also consume small types of animals such as rodents when they see them.

The young pups in a pack will be fed food that the adults have partially digested when they are about three months of age. This continues until they are six months old. At that point they observe the kills and then get to fight to consume what they can. This is part of establishing their rank with the Common Wolf pack.

Gray Wolf Reproduction

Mating take part the first four months of the year, but only for about 10 days when the female is in estrus. The specific time frame for it depends on the location of the wolf packs. Those in lower elevations will mate sooner than those higher up. It takes two months after mating for the young to be born. Even with plenty of members of a Common Wolf pack, it is generally only the beta female that will have pups. For this reason many young go out on their own before they are two years old.

The mothers will use a den to keep their young safe for the first few months of life. She can have a large number of them, but six per litter is average. They need her for food and they can’t see or hear. They will develop those senses before they leave the den with her at three months of age. At that point, these young are cared for by all in the pack.

Gray Wolf Predators

Due to the issues they have with territory, it is often that Common Wolves have encounters with other packs. The desire for the territory, mating, and food can make these all out battles. Sometimes part of the pack is injured or killed before it is finished. The young of a pack can be killed in these battles as well, dropping the overall numbers by quite a bit.

Humans continue to be a serious problem for these wolves. First, they are the ones responsible for taking all their habitat away from them. Yet they wish to complain when their livestock or other animals are killed by these wolves. Hunting of the Common Wolf has gone on for centuries.  Even so, this species continues to evolve and to be strong. They aren’t in as much danger of the possibility of extinction as other species out there.