Deathstalker Scorpion

Deathstalker Scorpion


Deathstalker Scorpion - Leiurus quinquestriatus

Deathstalker / Photographer: Tola Kokoza

Deathstalker Scorpion Description

Regardless if you call it the Israeli Yellow Scorpion or the Deathstalker Scorpion, this is very dangerous arachnid to come into contact with. They have some of the most dangerous and powerful venom in the world. This is why  they are a type of Scorpion that many people are fearful of.

They have a powerful sting when they do inject the venom. The sight of the wound may hurt for many hours. There are studies though that show some forms of health problems may be able to be offset with this type of venom used correctly. Only time will tell if they are able to use it without side effects or long term problems. That is why the study of their venom continues to take place.

The Deathstalker Scorpion falls into the category of a medium sized Scorpion. They can range in size depending on their location and amount of food. However, they won’t get more than 4 inches in size. The females are usually a full inch larger than the males. They have different coloration too depending on where you find them.

This is one Scorpion that has the florescent coloring to them. They have a glowing yellow or green to them. They also have limbs that are very thin. This gives them the impression that they are very fragile and even gooey looking.

While they do have pinchers that are larger than other species of Scorpions they aren’t very powerful at all. In fact they can’t hold on to their prey long at all with them. They must rapidly inject the venom if they want to secure a meal. Otherwise it will be getting free of their grasp in a few seconds.

Deathstalker Scorpion Behavior 

This is also believed to be one of the most aggressive types of Scorpions. They are highly unpredictable. They will bite if they are threatened but they will also bite in order to defend their territory. In spite of such facts though the demand for them as pets continues to grow.

Many people own them illegally too. This is because they have to hold a special license in many locations to have one. They don’t want to deal with all of that so they buy it on the black market. Should they get bitten though or someone else be bitten you can be sure that the medical facility is going to be reporting it for investigation to see if such licensing is in place or not.

Deathstalker Scorpion Habitat and Distribution

Even though you can now find the Deathstalker Scorpion just about anywhere, they originally are found inNorth Africaand theMiddle East.Egypt,Ethiopia, and areas ofAlgeriaare common locations where they are found. They tend to do the best in areas that offer plenty of humidity as well as warm temperatures. They can adapt to less humidity and less than 75 degrees Fahrenheit though. However, they tend to be more aggressive when they are in different living conditions.

Since many people love to have this type of Scorpion as a pet they have made their way all over the world. It isn’t always legal but the demand for them is so high that they are often sold on the black market. It is very difficult to estimate how many of them are kept as pets or what all regions this covers.

Deathstalker Scorpion Feeding Habits 

If you do have a Deathstalker Scorpion as a pet you need to limit the amount of food you give it. They have the ability to store up large amounts of food. However, they really don’t need it in order to survive. You can feed them crickets, meal worms, and grasshoppers a couple of times a week.

They mainly dine on crickets in the wild. They will find live prey when they can but when that is tough they will submit to considering what has died and been left behind. They have to inject venom into prey to create a liquid they can suck out of them.

Deathstalker Scorpion Reproduction 

Mating can be a complex process with the female in complete control over it. The males will come looking for her and she will decide to let them stay and perform dances for her or not. She may decide to mate, to chase them off, or to eat them. There is no real understanding of why she makes a particular choice.

They are going to be mature around 5 years of age and that is also about their average life span. This is why they will only get one real chance to mate. Many of the males will die before they have successfully done so.

The gestation period will range from 2 up to 5 months, based on location and food availability. There can be as many as 30 born at one time. They will crawl onto the back of their mother and remain there until they molt the first time. This generally occurs when they are several weeks old. Then they will have to try to survive on their own.

Venomous Bite or Danger to Humans 

In spite of such as serious name, the Deathstalker Scorpion is responsible for very few deaths. Those that due die from it usually don’t seek medical treatment. They often have serious allergies or a heart condition too and that means the venom can spread fast and do lots of damage. It can result in the lungs filling up with fluid or the air ways closing up.

Bite Treatment or Care 

This is why you should always be well prepared. Any time you or someone you know is bitten by a Scorpion it needs to be looked at by medical professionals. If it is a Deathstalker Scorpion there is a great anti venom that can be administered. Combined with painkillers and antihistamines most people start to feel much better in a couple of hours. Within a day or two they will be released from the hospital with further instructions for care.

Enroute to the hospital you need to apply ice to the area of the bite. This will help to reduce pain and to slow the process of swelling. When you are in a facility where you can wash it with soap and water you should do so. Have someone else drive to the hospital too as some of the serious effects including fatigue and drowsiness so you have no business behind the wheel of a vehicle.

The pain will be very intense which is why the first course of action is going to be giving pain medication. Be prepared for paint to come and go over the next several months. It is mainly going to be felt around the joint areas of the body. This is especially true if the bite location is close to a joint.

Many people find that they become very tired after they have had such a sting. They will find it takes several weeks to get their strength back. Try to exercise daily, eat right, and get plenty of sleep to help speed up the recovery process. Headaches are very often reported and they may be mild or a migraine. They may come and go or they may linger for days at a time.


J O I N   U S ! 




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